Tuesday, December 20, 2011

PJ Day

Gianna's and Angelo's classes had PJ Day for the last day before the holiday break.  Dominic was jealous that he doesn't get to do this anymore in 1st grade!  G had her weekly physical therapy and speech/feeding therapy before going to daycare this morning.  It is truly amazing the progress she has made since having her eye surgery!  She used to cry the whole time during PT sessions, but now she's really enjoying it and making progress every week. 
Here's GiGi on the mats at her morning PT session

I love this video Matt took because it really illustrates how far G has come in her eating/feeding since starting this therapy.  It's hard to believe that this little girl eating chicken and dumplings with a fork is the same girl who would choke on a small baby puff just a few months ago!! 


  1. What a sweet girl! LOVE the video!!! Way to go, Gigi!

  2. Amy that is so sweet! She is getting so big and is absolutely beautiful!
