Tuesday, March 12, 2013

All of the Therapy - None of the Tears

Gianna's physical therapy has become much more enjoyable for all involved lately.  We've been taking her every week for well over a year and a half, always with Angelo in tow.  On many, many occasions she would just be glued to me and melt down in tears if her therapist Julie tried to encourage her to try different activities.  Angelo has always been so sweet, just wanting to have fun and play on the equipment, and being constantly encouraging and consoling to Gianna.  Needless to say, I didn't take any pictures at most of our previous sessions!  The pictures from this week are such a striking contrast to what we've experienced before.  I honestly could have never imagined that she would have crawled through the tunnel by herself, rode on the swing with Angelo, and walked the balance beam (!) with Julie holding her hands.  Now, granted, I think a big part of her motivation is the lollipop she receives from the office manager after her session.  When we tell GiGi in the mornings that she's going to physical therapy, she says "Julie!" and "Pink Pop!".   I'm so thankful that she's finally starting to enjoy and really fully participate in her sessions - I know she'll wind up benefiting so much more and Friday mornings are now a little sweeter for us all!


  1. That is so great! The best part is that you know she will get a greater benefit if she is enjoying it and working hard. Hopefully the trend continues! Cute pictures too.

  2. How can I contact you? My son had encephalocele at birth and had surgery at one week to remove it, we are coming up on his first birthday and really haven't heard of anyone else with his particular condition, your support would mean the world to me. You can contact me at my email aaa43215678yt@yahoo.com or nccliffo@eagle.fgcu.edu or on face book Nicole Clifford or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Logan-Cliffords-journey-with-encephalocele/134787330035367
