Sunday, June 9, 2013

Next Time Won't You Sing With Me?

Gianna has been completely obsessed with the ABC song for about 2 months now.  She has watched every version available of Elmo singing the ABCs and looks at her ABC book every night.  After practicing about a zillion times, I finally heard her say the WHOLE thing today!  And she even agreed to let me record her.  My favorite parts are the "LMNOP" all running together - and when she pauses to see if her Daisy Duck's beak will actually open.  Little GiGi continues to amaze us with her progress!


  1. Awesome!!! That was too cute. :)

  2. I am in TEARS! Gianna gives me so much hope for Grace! Thank you for posting such awesome updates! She is doing great! Oh, and email me and I'll email you some pics of frames and we can go from there! Thank you! :)
