Thursday, August 5, 2010

First Picture

We've had what seems like 100 ultrasounds thus far in the pregnancy, but yesterday the ultrasound tech offered to use the 3D ultrasound so I could see her face.  Emily (yes, I know all the techs by name now) has been an angel and proved that again by suggesting this.  I'm sure she knows how hard it must be to have to come for scan after scan of the encephalocele and talking with doctors about nothing but Gianna's problems.  We got to take a few moments today just to see her beautiful face and enjoy looking at our daughter!  She has her hand curled in front of her chin almost like she's giving a little wave.  Emily said the spot on the left of the picture is just part of the umbilical cord that is casting a shadow on her face.  I think those cheeks look just like her Aunt Cara's!


  1. These 3D pictures are cool--I love the cheeks and little lips.

    This is a great idea Amy and a beautiful page.

    Sandy, Pete & Mia

  2. Amy, thanks for making this blog so that you can keep us all informed. You and Matthew are two amazing people and I pray everyday for the whole family! I do have say she does look like a DiLorenzo! Love the picture of your family.

  3. She is beautiful and I can't wait to meet her! And yep, those are my cheeks :)
