Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Neurosurgery Update

Dr Pittman just came to see me in the Ronald McDonald room (it's shift change in the NICU so parents/visitors have to leave). He said G looks good but he is concerned that her fontanelle (the soft spot on top of her head) is already full of fluid. He's going to get an ultrasound of her today or tomorrow to check the fluid level inside her head and if it is filling up rapidly, he may do the shunt as soon as Friday. If it is filling more slowly, he may wait and keep watching it and may do it next week. Unfortunately I think we need to start assuming that the shunt is coming at some point. I know it will help her if she needs it, but I just hate to see her have to go through another surgery so soon.
First time holding her without the encephalocele!


  1. Matt & Amy, Gianna is beautiful. I can't wait to knit her a pretty outfit. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. I sent an email to all my prayer warrior friends and asked them to keep her in their prayers as well as the both of you. You both need to remain strong in the Lord and keep your physical strength up. I know that this is such an emotional strain on both of you, but I know that you will hold on to each others strengths.
    We love you very much and can't wait to meet Gianna Marie.

    Lots of Love,

    Belinda and Craig and family

  2. Gosh, she is gorgeous!

    I'm a friend of Jessica's and have been praying for miss Gianna. I'll continue to pray for her as she recovers!

    Congrats on your sweet baby girl. She's so stinkin' adorable!


  3. my husband is a very close friend of the dilorenzo's-we saw matt and cara this summer in wheeling-and he told us about your situation. I have been checking your blog and cara's FB postings every day. Gianni is beautiful and we are praying for her every day!! you are all so strong. God bless you all.

    karen and john buch

  4. She is so Gorgeous & Perfect!!!! Thanks be to God and we are praying for you and sending so much love. CONGRATULATIONS Amy, Matt and Big Brothers, Angelo & D!!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!!

  5. Matt and Amy, she is so beautiful. She does look like a DiLorenzo! No favortism on my part! I am so happy for you guys. Still praying.
